6806 MDA Emergency Appeal 2023 Emailer E Sig v3

Magen David Adom is on its highest level of Alert

Following the current security situation, MDA regions are at the highest Level 4, manning 100% of their life-saving vehicles 24/7, ready to respond in any given minute.

The estimated additional operational cost of a day during the height of an escalation period can reach in excess of 1 million shekels per day. test test test

Update 13/10/2023


Update 10/10/2023


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Since the start of the war with 1234 Hamas on Saturday morning, the demand on Israel’s blood supply has reached critical levels. The people of Israel have responded incredibly and our teams have collected over 12,000 units from donors, up and down the country.

Over the last few days Israelis and Brits in Israel from every walk of life have spent many hours queuing to donate blood at various pop-up blood drives across the country, occasionally having to rejoin the queue after moving to safety from incoming rockets.

Once the blood has been drawn it is sent to the newly opened Marcus National Blood Services Centre in Ramle – a facility partially funded by MDA UK donors – to be processed and separated into three-parts. Each portion of donated blood is able to support three patients.

UK Blood Donation

Magen David Adom UK has been inundated with requests from our supporters in the UK to donate blood to help the cause. We have spoken with our colleagues in Israel and they have made it clear that, whilst the gesture is more than appreciated, they are currently unable to take and process blood collected overseas.

Right now, there are two ways to give to Magen David Adom in Israel.

If you are in Israel, please give your blood. More details on how to do so are here 

EVERYONE else please give generously.

Magen David Adom needs an additional 1 MILLION shekels a day to respond to this war. Never before in Israel’s history have we needed more blood bags, tourniquets, blood testing kits as well as bandages, resuscitators and all lifesaving equipment as we do today.


We wanted to share some first hand stories from MDA Paramedics on the ground in Israel: 

Moshe a Paramedic from Jerusalem:

Yesterday Moshe was supposed to be having family photos for his son’s wedding day. Moshe’s son is also an MDA ambulance driver. Instead, he was on shift in Jerusalem under threat of Red Alert sirens and the wedding has been delayed due to the security situation, and Moshe turned up for a life saving shift. 
Moshe, we hope that you’ll soon be able to celebrate your son’s wedding, and many other happy events in the near future.
paramedic 1

None of this would be possible without the support of our community here in the UK. Your donations have quite literally saved lives – and the need will continue to grow. If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

P.S. You can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up-to-date with these ongoing developments.

If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

Update 09/10/2023


We wanted to share some first hand stories from MDA Paramedics on the ground in Israel: 

Ar an EMT from Sderot:

“11 hours.

My 11 hours in the inferno in the city of Sderot. 11 hours of war, alarms, explosions, live fire and shouting.
Bodies on the road, on the sidewalk, in the garden, in cars – everywhere, most of them even visible. The smell of explosives and clouds of smoke everywhere, there’s endless destruction.
For 11 hours I sat in the back of the protected intensive care unit cleaning up residual blood, arranging the medications, preparing to treat the next wounded person who is also a soldier or a policeman my age who fought and protected innocent citizens with his body.
Soldiers who are not willing to receive medical treatment because they want to fight, they don’t want to leave their friends alone.
Police officers who tell you about the friends who fell before their eyes, who ask you to take care of the friend first and not them.
11 hours that the radio reports non-stop about another seriously injured person waiting for assistance, about another direct hit, about another exchange of gunfire, about another driver reporting a seriously injured and unstable person – there is not a second of silence.
11 hours of feeling out of control. 11 hours of inspiration from the paramedic who was with me who fought for each and every person. 11 hours of truly saving lives. It’s my 11th hour, there are those who are there and are still there, were before me, and the whole country is still in this nightmare.
Thank you all for the support and the concern. I’m fine. There are others who need you now.
11 hours.”
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Lior, from Jerusalem spent his shift in Southern Israel

Anything that I’ll say about the things that I saw and the things that I experienced yesterday, won’t come close to explaining what really happened there.

It was a battlefield, bodies of men, women, children, the elderly, even animals.

I treated soldiers who were seriously injured. We treated police officers and civilians while under fire from Kalashnikovs and rockets that fell a meter from the ambulance, we kept going like robots. More than once we ran out of medications on the ambulance and had to go restock.

Anyone who didn’t see MDA teams working yesterday in the south, under a hail of bullets and rockets, hasn’t seen what real self-sacrifice is.

The first thing we learn on every course is Safety, but yesterday we didn’t think about Safety, we went out to save lives in the knowledge that we may not return, and the moment wasn’t far away. The teams were interested in only one thing, to save as many lives as possible. And we did that. We saved the lives of trauma victims with very complex injuries.

Gunshot injuries, and crush injuries from rocket hits, hundreds of victims.

Victims who could talk told me how they saw their friends slaughtered, and how they managed to escape as they were injured and hiding for hours with complex gunshots.

It’s impossible to describe what happened yesterday, the heart is bleeding, the soul is injured.

It’s time to unite.


None of this would be possible without the support of our community here in the UK. Your donations have quite literally saved lives – and the need will continue to grow. If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

P.S. You can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up-to-date with these ongoing developments.

If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

Update 08/10/2023


As we emerge from Simchat Torah, many of our supporters will be going back online and we wanted to take the opportunity to recap and update you on Magen David Adom’s work in Israel over the last 36 hours.

Yestersday morning, Magen David Adom UK took the unprecedented step of launching an emergency appeal over Shabbat and Yom Tov. From 06:30 Israeli time, MDA teams have been, and remain, on their highest level of alert with all vehicles manned with medics and equipped to treat the injured. Huge queues have been seen at blood drives across cities and towns in Israel, as Israeli citizens donated over 4,000 units of blood which are now being processed and prepared for use in Israel’s hospitals. If you are in Israel and can give blood, please click here to see details of where the MDA blood drives are taking place.

Amongst the outpouring of support from across the community, many may be feeling helpless in the UK. Unfortunately we cannot donate blood from here, but we can provide the much needed medical supplies. As well as the need for more lifesaving vehicles, MDA is in urgent need to purchase more:

  • Blood bags
  • Blood testing kits
  • Life-saving medication
  • Breathing equipment
  • Hemostatic bandages
  • Tourniquets
  • Oxygen devices and masks
  • Protective equipment such as helmets and flak jackets
  • Automatic resuscitators

It is vital that we are able to get this equipment quickly to the teams working on the ground. Please do help by donating generously to our campaign, and keep MDA running at full capacity 24/7 throughout this time.

We are all thinking of and praying for the safety of our lifesavers and all the people of Israel, and praying for peace to prevail soon. Sadly, at the time of writing, I have learnt of an MDA UK ambulance, a lifesaving vehicle, which has been destroyed in Kibbutz Nir Oz.

Thank you so far to the whole community for their incredible support, and through your continued donations, we know that MDA will continue to save more lives.

None of this would be possible without the support of our community here in the UK. Your donations have quite literally saved lives – and the need will continue to grow. If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

P.S. You can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up-to-date with these ongoing developments.

If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

Update 08/10/2023

LATEST UPDATE: 24 hour activity summary

During the night, MDA teams provided medical treatment to 28 people who were injured in rocket attacks in southern parts of Israel. Among them: 2 in serious condition, 2 in moderate condition, 15 in minor condition and 9 anxiety victims.

Magen David Adom teams all over Israel are currently on high alert.
Magen David Adom ambulances and armored vehicles, are manned by 1,400 volunteers and workers who saves lives, sometimes under fire.

Magen David Adom blood donation operation will continue to hold today blood drives in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Netanya, in the Magen David Adom blood donation area located in Tel Hashomer hospital, and in various locations which continue to update on the Magen David Adom official website.

Since the start of this war, Magen David Adom teams provided treatment to hundreds of injured, among them many who were killed,, and others in serious, moderate and minor condition.

Magen David Adom helicopters made dozens of medical evacuations, and evacuated dozens of civilians and soldiers injured in the field and from hospital in the south to the following hospitals: Sheba, Belinson, Ichilov, Shamir Medical Center (Assaf Harofeh)

After primary care in Barzilai Hospital and Soroka Medical Center in the south, dozens of ambulances, mobile intensive care units (MICUs) and Magen David Adom evacuation vehicles transferred injured in all the states of severity to different hospitals spread all across Israel.

Magen David Adom blood services staff collected thousands of blood units from civilians who came in and donated blood with the intent to supply blood to all the hospitals who will use it to treat the wounded.

It is with great grief that Magen David Adom announced the loss of senior EMT, Aharon Haimov, may he rest in peace, who was murdered yesterday in his hometown, Ofakim, from terrorists gun shots, while he was driving an ambulance on his way to save lives.

4 MDA crew members were injured by gunfire, and there are still a few whom connection with them was lost.

None of this would be possible without the support of our community here in the UK. Your donations have quite literally saved lives – and the need will continue to grow. If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

P.S. You can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up-to-date with these ongoing developments.

If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

Update 08/10/2023

CLEARED FOR PUBLICATION: MDA Ambulance Driver is Murdered

A senior EMT – ambulance driver in MDA, Aharon Chaimov, of blessed memory, was murdered when he was shot this morning in an MDA ambulance on his way to treat the wounded in his city, Ofakim, during a surprise attack on the State of Israel. | MDA Director General: “A person for whom the welfare of others and the value of human life always came first, as was the case today – on this tragic morning.”

Magen David Adom deeply mourns the death of its Senior EMT – ambulance driver, Aharon Chaimov, of blessed memory, a 25-year-old resident of Ofakim, who was murdered this morning (Saturday) while fulfilling his duty, going out to save lives and treat the wounded from the combined attack that began this morning on the State of Israel. Aharon, a resident of Ofakim, was injured by terrorist gunfire while going out to treat the victims, and was killed. Aharon left behind two children, a wife, parents, siblings, and family members.

Aharon began his journey in MDA as a service-year volunteer. He later officially joined the organization as an Emergency Medical Technician and subsequently completed the Senior EMT and ambulance drivers’ course. During his 4 years in MDA, Aharon worked with great professionalism, showing exceptional empathy for patients and the wounded, serving as the community’s duty ambulance driver on weekends, and always responding first to any call. Even this morning (Saturday), in the midst of a combined attack on the State of Israel, Aharon went out to save lives and was murdered by the terrorists.

Danny Shtarkman, MDA Ofakim Station Manager, said: “Aharon was a dedicated man who gave his all to save human lives. Ambulance driver and senior EMT of the highest professionalism, he was expected to start the paramedics course in MDA soon. A very responsible and professional individual, always prioritizing the well-being of patients. Aharon was very beloved at the station, very professional, loved his job and giving. Aharon was killed while fulfilling his duty on his way to treat the injured. We will deeply miss him, may his memory be a blessing.”

The Director General of MDA, Eli Bin, eulogized Aharon Chaimov, of blessed memory: “In every complex security event, MDA volunteers and employees, each one of them, stand at the forefront to provide professional medical treatment to the wounded and the victims. But Aharon was salt of the earth in and of himself, an example and role model for MDA workers and volunteers. Aharon, a man for whom the welfare of others and the value of human life always came first, as was the case today – on this tragic morning. Aharon’s passing has left us deeply sorrowed and appreciating his path. MDA volunteers and employees bow their heads today and embrace the family – an integral part of the MDA family. May his memory be a blessing.”

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Senior MDA Medic Aharon Chaimov z”l

None of this would be possible without the support of our community here in the UK. Your donations have quite literally saved lives – and the need will continue to grow. If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

P.S. You can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up-to-date with these ongoing developments.

If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

Update 07/10/2023

LATEST UPDATE: Magen David Adom is on high alert

Using ambulances, MICUs and bulletproof ambulances: Magen David Adom teams have been providing medical care to dozens of wounded since the morning hours

At 6:29 this morning, alarms were sounded in the south of the country and in the center, alongside dozens of terrorists who had infiltrated Israeli territory. In the subsequent hours, the Magen David Adom teams, using both ambulances and bullet-proof mobile intensive care units, managed to reach numerous sites and tend to the wounded. This includes a Magen David Adom staff member who was seriously injured by terrorists’ gunfire directed at the ambulance.

As of now, the Magen David Adom teams continue to attend scenes in, ambulances, and intensive care units to access further incident sites and administer aid to the injured. Since dawn, Magen David Adom teams have attended to various scenes with casualties ranging from deceased, seriously wounded, moderately hurt, and those with light injuries. Magen David Adom units across Israel remain on high alert, striving to reach all victims in every location.

Magen David Adom urges the public to heed the guidelines of the Home Front Command. During alarms, it’s imperative to reach a safe zone carefully and promptly, then wait for 10 minutes as per the instructions of the Home Front Command. These directives are life-saving.

Magen David Adom’s blood services have raised an alarm over the acute shortage of blood units, specifically emphasizing the urgent need for type O. To address this, from 10:30 onwards, blood donations are scheduled in Tel Aviv at the Ichilov Medical Center Hospital, at the MDA station in Jerusalem, and the MDA station in Haifa at 34 Yitzhak Sade St.

Magen David Adom wishes to reiterate the gravity of this situation: “We are appealing to the general public – please come to the Magen David Adom collection points and donate blood. This act can potentially save the lives of the injured.”
For any medical requirements, dial 101 to reach Magen David Adom.

None of this would be possible without the support of our community here in the UK. Your donations have quite literally saved lives – and the need will continue to grow. If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

P.S. You can follow us on Facebook, X and Instagram to keep up-to-date with these ongoing developments.

If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

Update 07/10/23

Since the early hours of this morning – Simchat Torah – 7th October 2023, The State of Israel has been under major attack, with hundreds of rockets being fired into Israeli communities, as well as terrorist infiltrations into Israel.

Magen David Adom has been called since 06:30 this morning to dozens of incidents with victims in various conditions in cities, towns and communities, from the Western Negev, to Beer Sheva, Ashkelon, Tel Aviv and other parts of central and southern Israel.

MDA is on its highest alert, with all vehicles – ambulances, MICUs, medicycles, mass-casualty vehicles, bullet-proof ambulances and other specialized vehicles manned and teams prepared to respond to each and every incident. All ambulances are fully equipped to treat the injured. There is also protective equipment for the teams’ safety.

The Blood Services are preparing emergency blood drives in order to provide supplies to all the hospitals across the country.

Israel and Magen David Adom are facing a prolonged, and very serious campaign, and we will require urgent supplies of ambulances, medicycles, and other emergency vehicles, as well as equipment, including medical, safety and blood services equipment.

We will update you as much as is possible as to the developments in this ongoing situation, but we must be prepared for an extended emergency operation at this time.

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None of this would be possible without the support of our community here in the UK. Your donations have quite literally saved lives – and the need will continue to grow. If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below:

P.S. You can follow us on Facebook, X, and Instagram to keep up-to-date with these ongoing developments.

If you would like to support the work of Magen David Adom at this time, please click on the link below: