What is CFMDA?

Christian Friends of Magen David Adom UK was founded in 2006 by Christians who want to bless Israel, in a very practical way – all the people of Israel including Jews, Arabs, Bedouin, Druze and others. Their initial aim was to provide an ambulance to be deployed in Israel with the words “Christian Friends of Magen David Adom UK” written on the side. This has served as a witness to the people of Israel that many Christians are standing with them during what is a most difficult time in their history. Through their good work the CFMDA UK group wants to alter the perceptions of Christians and the Christian faith and demonstrate that everyone can work together.

To date, CFMDA UK have raised funds for eight ambulances (stationed in Nazareth, Tel Aviv, Carmiel, Rishon, Be’er Sheva, Afula and Jerusalem, the latter two being dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Hadassah medical convoy massacre), two blood mobiles (for collecting the much needed blood supplies) an Emergency Room at the MDA station in Kiryat Shomona and four medicycles.

CFMDA UK are also delighted to work with Christine and Peter Darg’s Jerusalem Channel who have kindly donated a “Mule” (all terrain tractor) to the Old City of Jerusalem as well as medicylcles and an ambulance. www.jerusalemchannel.tv

CFMDA UK were also delighted to introduce the Joseph Storehouse Charity to MDA. The Joseph Storehouse have kindly donated a complete mobile intensive care unit to MDA from funds donated by UK Christians.

Our Current CFMDA Project – collecting money for the new National Blood & Logistics Centre, which will revolutionise how Israel collects, stores and distributes its blood supply, whilst simultaneously improving everyday emergency response times. We are raising money to pay for the two storey escalators from the entrance hall to the first floor as well as the mezuzah for the main entrance. This can be compared to Jacob’s ladder and the connections that brought about. As our ministry is about connections, this seemed a good fit and, like our vehicles, it will have a dedication to show that Christians contributed to it, which will be our witness. 

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Dedication DSC 2227 2

CFMDA Committee

The late Norman Feingold

Reverend Mark Madeley and MDA UK Vice President

CFMDA Executive:
Jean Brannigan

Alan Chester

Barbara Dingle, MDA UK Trustee
London & the South East

Gill Edgar

Alan Ferguson

Helen Lineen

CFMDA Board of Reference:
Simon Barrett, Revelation TV

Christine Darg, Jerusalem Channel

CFMDA Donor Relations Manager:
Jackie Hutchinson
[email protected]

Angela Blair
[email protected]

For further information on future events, please contact the office on 020 8201 5900
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