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Welcome to our MDA UK Red Shied summer edition


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I’d like to see a lot less of Magen David Adom in the media. Of course, I’m fine with the good news stories that peacetime brings, but more recently we have been on your TV screens, social media feeds and in your papers far too much.

As Israel’s only national medical emergency and blood service, Magen David Adom has been a permanent fixture in the Israel news cycle since last October. Recently you will have seen that (miraculously) the only casualty from the Iranian missile and rocket barrage was saved by MDA. And of course, when the IDF rescued four hostages in early June, it was MDA that has the responsibility of transporting them directly.

MDA is at the heart of all life in Israel. In ‘normal’ times, when there is no war or conflict, Magen David Adom is there for all the people of Israel, irrespective of their religion, race, ethnicity or skin colour. This is however heightened when Israel is under attack and our teams are under even greater pressure to respond.

Like all of you, I pray for the immediate release of the remaining hostages and an end to this war. I look forward to a time when we are only in the news for the ‘right’ reasons. But until then, I know that Israel and all its people are being looked after by Magen David Adom.

Am Yisrael Chai!

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Daniel Burger
Chief Executive
Magen David Adom UK

PS: Please join us on our upcoming 2024 Memorial Mission to Israel from the 6th-9th October to mark the 1st anniversary of October 7th. You can register your interest here.


Iran’s unprecedented attack on Israel in April saw the Iron Dome and an alliance of international allies prevent serious injury or loss of life. However, shrapnel from a ballistic missile struck the home of the al-Hassouni family in Al-Fura, an Arab community near the city of Arad. 10-year-old Amina al-Hassouni was critically injured while she was sleeping in her bedroom.

Mohammed al-Hassouni, Amina’s father, recounts the terrifying incident, relaying that alarms were loudly reverberating through the area, missiles were flying overhead, and then one fell on their house causing debris to hit Amina in the head, severely wounding her.

Israel Katz (Manager of the MDA first responders in Arad and a senior EMT) and Zohar Servintzky (MDA paramedic from Arad) were the first on the scene. Israel recalls that upon first examination it was clear that Amina had sustained a significant head injury, was unresponsive and needed to be put on a ventilator. The MDA medics delivered first aid until the intensive care team arrived, who continued treatment before evacuating Amina to Soroka Medical Center as she was in critical condition.

After being on the verge of death for nearly two months, young Amina awoke from her coma. Upon hearing this news, EMT Israel Katz described feeling very moved, as he knew that MDA had succeeded in its mission to save lives. He immediately contacted Amina’s father and arranged to visit her as soon as possible. With huge thanks to Magen David Adom and the teams at Soroka Medical Center, against all
odds, Amina is now recovering and breathing on her own.

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On June 18th, MDA UK hosted a Leadership Dinner at The Berkeley Hotel. Alon Fridman, CFO and Assistant Director General of Foreign Affairs for MDA Israel, spoke about lessons learnt post 7/10; MDA UK’s CEO, Daniel Burger, highlighted the importance of our working partnerships; and Chair, Russell Jacobs advised as to how MDA is preparing for the future.

Newly-elected President of the Board of Deputies, Philip Rosenberg addressed the room before Michael Marlowe, father of 7/10 victim Jake Marlowe z”l shared the heart-wrenching testimony of his son’s murder at the Supernova festival.

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Magen David Adom UK is delighted to announce the appointment of its newest (and youngest) board member, Adam Jacobson. Adam has been involved with MDA UK for many years and has deep-rooted connections to the organisation. Following in his family’s philanthropic footsteps, he will be working closely with the Manchester committee, helping to expand the next generation’s awareness of and involvement with MDA.

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It has been more than nine months since the deadly atrocities of October 7th. In the immediate aftermath of that black Saturday, Magen David Adom increased its emergency response capabilities and blood services to the highest level, which it is currently still operating at.

Over these past months, MDA has needed to respond to multiple terror attacks alongside the ‘everyday’ emergencies it always faces. Tragically, this has come at a cost, with 33 MDA personnel losing their lives whilst trying to save others. These sacrifices highlight the risks facing the MDA teams as they enter areas under fire in order to save lives.

Immediately after 7/10, MDA UK launched its Emergency Appeal campaign. Thanks to the remarkable support of the community, the funds raised exceeded all expectations. More importantly, the donations have greatly aided and supported MDA in Israel. This incredible generosity has enabled MDA UK to purchase 84 emergency vehicles, thousands of packs of medical supplies and equipment, and much-needed bulletproof gear for the medics. Funds have also gone towards 43 state-of-the-art blood testing kits allowing for faster and more accurate processing, resulting in 118,000 units of blood being screened and used to save the lives of thousands of victims in the first 3 months of the war alone.

In addition, MDA UK has provided professional training sessions for 890 paramedics, strengthening the skills and professionalism of the brave team of lifesavers who stand at the core of the organisation. 90% of all MDA personnel are volunteers.

Furthermore, although the new Marcus National Blood Services Centre was originally scheduled to be fully operational by October 9th 2023, it was fast-tracked to meet the surge in demand for blood supplies following the initial terror attacks. With three underground floors, staff have been able to continue to work at all times – even during Red Alerts.

Future-proofing must remain at the top of the MDA agenda. As the threat of attacks across Israel remains high, MDA needs to be prepared for an escalation at any moment. This includes not only saving the lives of all civilians in Israel but also ensuring our first responders are safe. Ever-improving technology and communications must also be harnessed in order to ensure MDA is operating at maximum effectiveness during emergency situations.

MDA has raised money to cover 50,000 licences for the ‘Mission Critical Push To Talk’ (MCPTT) systems. These systems ensure that MDA communications are never down, providing non-stop connectivity which is compatible across different networks. In this way, MDA dispatchers can check on the wellbeing
of paramedics and EMTs in the field by having remote access to monitor their location.

MDA is immensely grateful for the community’s ongoing support. This generosity has helped to treat and save thousands.

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Earlier this year, the Magen David Adom UK team completed a nationwide roadshow engaging with Jewish communities across London, Leeds, Sheffield, Jersey and Glasgow. The mission was led by a combination of MDA staff, board members and volunteers, and together they shared details of the work of Magen David Adom in Israel since October 7th with diverse audiences.

In Glasgow, MDA UK CEO Daniel Burger spoke about relations with the International Committee of the Red Cross and the British Red Cross, as well as his meeting in Israel with Béatrice Butsana-Sita, British Red Cross CEO, and Claire Clement, British Red Cross Director of International Law. Poignantly, he shared
heartbreaking stories from the Hostage Family Forum members who visited London in March.

In April, Magen David Adom Israel medics, Ophir Tor and Shunit Dekel, who were on the frontlines on 7/10, held various community speaking engagements including a lunch at Radlett Synagogue and dinner at Mill Hill United Synagogue’s Israel Engagement Hub.

They shared their traumatic accounts of the day, including how they jumped into life-saving action, and stories from the days, weeks and months which followed.

Ophir also spoke at the joint Vigil for the Hostages in Central London, calling on everyone to “not remain silent” in the wake of these tragedies, and expressed MDA’s and Israel’s appreciation for the support they have received from the UK.

In May, to celebrate and mark Yom Haatzmaut, the MDA UK team took our retired Magen David Adom ambulance on a visit to Yavneh Primary, Yavneh Secondary and Clore Shalom schools. The young students learnt about the work of MDA paramedics in Israel.

MDA UK also had the pleasure of hosting Jonathan Conricus, the recently retired IDF Lieutenant Colonel, who served in the IDF for 24 years. Lt. Col Conricus visited the Leeds, Manchester, Essex and London communities, where he shared his insights and honest assessment of the situation in Israel and Gaza. MDA Leeds also launched their community project – to renovate the MDA station in Beit Shemesh, Israel.

Towards the end of last year, the London-based Dawn Committee, which was formed over 50 years ago, held a reunion. Dawn was a youth committee for over-16s whose aim was to sponsor Magen David Adom (Dawn was a pre-cursor to Young MDA which is currently active). The past members reminisced about the various fundraising socials they put together to raise money for MDA in Israel.

Thank you to all the MDA UK staff, committees and volunteers who work tirelessly to put together all these initiatives, events and fundraisers – we couldn’t do this without you.

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In February, Magen David Adom UK hosted a thank you reception honouring the incredible Fundraising Champions of 2023 for their unwavering support of MDA. Together, they raised a remarkable £287,000 which provided life-saving equipment for the MDA medics in Israel.

In June, MDA UK held its Inaugural London Golf Day, where 68 avid golfers and MDA supporters participated. Andrew Brecher, Brian Kalms, Nicholas Doffman and Steve Braude took the top of the leaderboard. This event raised £25,000, which is going towards a First Response Vehicle for MDA medics.

MDA UK remains committed to raising money  for MDA Israel and encourages supporters to challenge themselves and save more lives. Spaces are still available on upcoming challenges including the London to Brighton Cycle Ride in September and the Royal Parks Half Marathon in October.

London to Brighton Cycle Ride Royal Parks Half Marathon - SOLD OUT

This November, MDA UK is returning to Israel for a Solidarity Trek. Participants will experience Israel like never before as, in addition to exploring stunning sites and discovering Israel’s natural beauty, participants will visit locations related to the October 7th massacre and meet brave MDA medics.

Register Your Interest for the solidarity trek

To find out more visit mdauk.org/events or if you would like to create your own challenge, let us know!

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This year marks the 75th anniversary of Magen David Adom UK. Since 1949, one year after the creation of the State of Israel, MDA UK has continued to raise funds to support MDA and save the lives of all civilians in Israel.

To celebrate this important occasion, MDA UK will be launching a new project to showcase 75 years of fundraising and activism. This will highlight key milestone moments in Israel and MDA UK’s history, important global and local partnerships, and the immense amount of support gifted by the regional committees, volunteers and dedicated staff in the UK. This will be a 360-degree deep dive into the past, present and future of this life-saving, fundraising organisation.

All of this is made possible through the generosity of the UK Jewish community, for which we are grateful and humbled.

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In March 2024, Magen David Adom UK Chief Executive, Daniel Burger, led a group of 35 people from different UK communities on a challenging and thought-provoking Solidarity Mission to Israel.

The group were privileged to meet with the First Lady of Israel, Michal Herzog; Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum; the Deputy British Ambassador to Israel; the CEO and Head of International Law for the British Red Cross and ‘Agent G’, the Director of Psychology for the Mossad who also leads hostage negotiations.

The group visited Sderot, Rahat, Ashdod and Jerusalem MDA stations, witnessing the lifesaving teams at work. They saw up close what MDA dealt with on 7/10, hearing the stories of MDA lifesavers who came under fire.

The group heard from MDA dispatcher, Ronit Glaser, who told her emotionally charged personal story of 7/10. She shared that MDA medic, Amit Mann z”l was bravely treating wounded civilians inside a clinic at Kibbutz Be’eri while it was under attack from Hamas terrorists. Amit kept calling, asking when MDA reinforcements would arrive. Ronit said that she didn’t know, and Amit responded: “I understand. Thank you.” Tragically, Amit was later murdered by the terrorists.

On paying tribute to the memory of the fallen MDA personnel who lost their lives whilst trying to save others, Daniel commented, “The acts of depravity, loss of life and destruction simply defy belief. It was so important that we came here together to see the work that MDA has done to save more lives.”

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In April 2024, six months after the tragic events of October 7th, Magen David Adom UK hosted a special solidarity Friday Night Dinner for Young MDA at the Sorting Office in North West London.

The evening served as a poignant tribute to the victims of the Hamas attacks, as two brave MDA heroes, Ophir and Shunit, shared their 7/10 experiences. Their harrowing stories provided a stark reminder of the courage and selflessness of all our inspirational MDA medics during these most difficult of times. In hearing the stories of Ophir and Shunit, the Young MDA Patrons were able to bear witness to the tragedies, in the hope that these narratives will continually reach a wider audience.

Ophir and Shunit’s terrifying experiences have been further documented as part of a series of videos which can be viewed on the MDA UK website: mdauk.org/heroes. Ophir’s chilling commentary over the CCTV footage offers a first-hand account of his encounter with Hamas, while Shunit’s tour of Kibbutz Magen sheds light on the devastating events of that day. We encourage you to watch them and share them with your networks.

If you would like to join Young MDA or to find out more about our Lifesavers patronage programme, visit mdauk.org/lifesavers

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