On Thursday 29th September Bloomberg hosted a celebration of the work of Magen David Adom at its London headquarters.

The event was the latest in the long-standing relationship and collaboration between the global media company and Israel’s only national medical emergency and blood service. Most prominently, the Bloomberg name can be seen on the exterior of the Jerusalem MDA station, named after Michael Bloomberg’s late father, William.

The reception also saw the launch of photographer Jonathan Straight’s latest work, ‘DOORPOSTS’. The book showcases the work of the Bezalel Art College students who were shortlisted to have their mezuzah displayed on the recently opened MDA Marcus National Blood Services and Logistics Centre in Ramla, Israel. The competition gave up and coming artists, from diverse backgrounds, a platform to showcase their work and for 3 of them, their designs used as mezuzot on MDA’s landmark building.

One of the winning mezuzot was designed by an Israeli Arab, Mohamed Saadi, who was able to attend the launch and speak to those present about what it meant to him to have his work displayed.

Straight’s book, DOORPOSTS, shows photographs of the artists and their mezuzot as well as providing an insight into their personal backgrounds.

Speaking after the event, Magen David Adom UK Chief Executive Daniel Burger, said, “The connection between Bloomberg and MDA is so important to our organisation. When Michael Bloomberg opened the Jerusalem station in his father’s memory he praised MDA’s ‘spirit of volunteerism and its unwavering commitment to treat all people equally regardless of race or religion’ – now, a decade later, that is being evidenced through the work of Mohamed Saadi. MDA is an organisation run by all Israelis, serving all Israelis and, most importantly, saving more lives.”

To raise funds for Magen David Adom, there are still some mezuzot available to sponsor in the building, with each donor receiving a replica. To find out more contact Joshua Diamond.

DOORPOSTS by Jonathan Straight can be viewed here.